Friday 30 December 2016


Have you ever wondered if you have lived before?
Have you ever thought there must be some other reason for your stresses in this life?
Have you ever had flashes of memory that don't actually belong to your childhood?

I believe we have all had a past life, perhaps many...I do believe these can account for phobias for example, wanting to explore a country we have never visited,  a sense of familiarity when entering old buildings. Our instant connection to some people or an instant distrust with others.

But my curiosity is peaked more so with how we reincarnate, the rules so to speak; of how we choose where we go, when we go, and of who we become. I question time lines too, family ties, and are there always lessons to learn and are these always passed down from one life to another if they aren't resolved? And, can a reincarnation just be for fun, just because? Oh, and are we ever given time out because we misbehaved so badly in one lifetime?
I hope to explore these questions as I delve into past life readings, experiencing how others react to learning about who they once were.
The biggest things for me though, and I'm not sure if it actually can be answered, are;
Do we choose random reincarnations, or do we/can we reincarnate along our blood line?
Can we reincarnate backwards in time? For example, can we die here in 2016 and reincarnate back in 1916? .
Can we rewrite history by reincarnating, yet history remains as we experience it?
let's see shall we?

Until next time
... :) ...

Saturday 11 April 2015


Today's card heralds a new phase in your life.
You are moving forward (but not necessarily to a new location as this card depicts), it could be as simple as a change in attitude, your eating/exercise plan, your circle of friends or work situation. but whatever it is you will be happy to make the 'move'. I sense too, that it will be a successful and stable change, one that has been on your mind for sometime.. The timing is right now and moving forward will bring satisfaction.

Until next time

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Wednesday's wisdom

There is only one card this week and I sense it's more than enough...

Changes don't happen overnight and this card returning tells me there's still more to do..
Whatever your overindulgence is I do appreciate the effort it will take to dissolve it once and for all...take the opportunity this week to make a new and self-sabotage protected goal.
I get a rebellion vibe at the moment... the kind that you might have had as a teenager when your parents said NO and it made you want it even more...
I get it, but this card's return means that it is important to take charge and make those positive steps toward self improvement.
Take one small step and see where it leads you...

Until next time

Saturday 21 February 2015

Fools Friday

The focus for this weekend is on how we give and receive ... This is not necessarily about money it also encompasses our time, emotional/physical/spiritual energy exchange and the way we give support to another or receive it...
Today, this card is telling me that you are giving more of yourself than you are comfortable with and are seeking a way out of the situation, (the boat's at the ready).. but I sense though, that you are holding back from actually leaving the person/group because you know they rely on you for so much more and you are somewhat obligated to continue?
This weekend is your opportunity to delve into this situation and resolve it so all parties are satisfied... is there a way to make this a win-win proposition?... There will always be the need to compromise however you go about things but I feel this needs a resolution... and soon

The World...
It brings completion to a cycle.. balance and wholeness...The choices you make this weekend will finally give you the closure you need and this will be the win-win situation you were hoping for..

I feel this is the compromise that needs to be made to resolve the issue at hand... negotiations and brain storming... think logically and with out excessive emotion ..You need to be level headed here as the result will be binding but I sense you do honestly want to remain in a position of being able to 'give' but on your terms from here on.
The previous card, The world is there to make sure that happens...the way that happens is up to you...

Until next time

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Wednesday Wisdom

An unusual selection of cards today...
My intuition tells me your health has become a concern for you and/or your family of late. Perhaps due to one or two excesses that you are now in the process of eliminating. Hang in there and know you are doing all you can to improve your quality of life.
Divine timing is about allowing 'things' to take their own course. There are just some things we cannot control and time is one of them...Go about your days as before, make the changes you need but understand that a lifetime of bad health choices won't reverse themselves overnight.
The Star comes to tell you though that any thing is possible if we truly make every effort we can humanly make towards our goals. Wishes are a wonderful things to make and hold onto but unfortunately we also have to put in the effort so make even the tiniest step towards your 'wish'... let the universe know you are serious and even 'magical' things are possible.


Until next time.                                                              

Saturday 14 February 2015

Angel message

Happy moments to come ...
News of a child/pregnancy, a creative project gets off the ground, or maybe there will be ideas jumping out at you for attention...
For those who have asked for a child to come into their life then the answer is YES... I sense though, that this will come about in an unusual way, possibly through a donor or in an unconventional manner.. All good though, your wish is about to happen, time to get out that baby name book :)
All Creative pursuits are encouraged, and it doesn't matter what...'No talent'. you say?. Doesn't matter, just get in there...paint, draw, knit, sew, garden, dance...Anything goes...
This is the perfect time to enjoy your creative side...

Until next time

Friday 13 February 2015

Fools Friday...

It's Friday again ...
Here is your reading for the weekend of 13th-15th February 2015.

The first card is Wisdom...Knowing how and why you are where you are at this time..
This weekend brings you an opportunity for knowledge...This information may either come from books, internet or from someone you know... the information that you find will be exactly what you have been missing, it's like finding the final puzzle piece.. you can now strive ahead and finish the project.

The second card is all about decisions... There are so many avenues available to you, finding the right fit may take some effort... Perhaps the information you receive will make the decision you face this weekend easier, though I suspect you may actually be avoiding the entire process due to the fear of success, self sabotage may be a big part of this indecision process... take on board whatever piece of 'wisdom' you receive this weekend.

The third card is the World... For all your dithering this weekend it will all come to it's conclusion on Sunday, just in time for the start of the new week.. It certainly will bring relief and perhaps a smile as you realize the panic you were in was all for naught as the issue/decision was all a matter of searching and fitting all the pieces together in the right order...the perfect way to end this weekend..
The world is your oyster...

Until next time